Leather Belt from Lace Scraps

Leather three strand belt
Leather three strand belt

A few months ago when I was stocking up on supplies at Tandy Leather, I noticed that they were selling a scrap bag of laces, and it caught my eye.  I try to avoid buying supplies when I have no intended use for them, but for some reason I couldn’t resist.  I just knew that I could make something unique with these pieces of leather laces in a variety of colors and lengths.

I started rooting around the lace bag the other day and discovered a deep brown piece that was much longer than any of the others in the bag… so long that I was able to wrap it around my waist 3 times.  Voila!  a belt.  I simply riveted one end to a set of metal rings and sported it with a demin dress.

I think that lace bag just paid for itself!